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Chapter39…. It’s mostly a girl game but boys like it too but girls are much better at it. Cathey Snyder, Book Review ***** This book brought back so many memories for me I did not grow up in Brooklyn but on Long Island where we played so many of these games and did some of the other stuff same as Keyno I would recommend this book to anyone from that age group or anyone looking to enjoy life in that time through a good read

Chapter 25….Boys Made A Bat From An Old Broom & Bought A Spalding Ball To Play Stick Ball.. Cathey Snyder, Book Review ***** This book brought back so many memories for me I did not grow up in Brooklyn but on Long Island where we played so many of these games and did some of the other stuff same as Keyno I would recommend this book to anyone from that age group or anyone looking to enjoy life in that time through a good read

Terry Willams Book Review Words fail me in accurately describing how I felt reading A Place Called Brooklyn. I was struck by the refreshing innocence of the nine year old Pepino, yet the totally realistic presentation of what we can all accept as an accurate perspective that a boy of his age would have. Whether we grew up in Brooklyn or not, in fact, even in the United States or not (my childhood was primarily in Australia), there is nostalgia galore throughout. Frank’s book is the lovely gift of a walk down memory lane. I cannot imagine anyone over the age of 50 not finding it a total delight. And those under 50 will have the pleasure of a great experience of what it was like to be a kid “in the good ‘ol days”. TYW